Leadership Development Journeys
We are proud to be our clients‘ partner of choice for complex, multi-modular leadership development programmes. Breaking the normal confines of the classroom, our programmes bond together participants from across locations and disciplines, guiding them through a carefully orchestrated combination of theory and practice on a journey of self awareness and realisation over the course of three to four modules. A cohesive storyline helps to connect the dots and reflect on „why?“ and „so what?“ as we drill down from the big picture of strategy through to the individual contribution. Complemented by complex outdoor and experiential learning activities (many of which our alumni remember vividly years later), projects cutting across the global organisation, mentoring, job shadowing and business discussions with senior management, our participants emerge from a unique, 360 degree development experience, energised, focused and having made sense of their potential, personally and within their organisation. In other words: ready to get the rubber on the road. Tailor-made to fulfil the specific needs of our client, we pitch the approach and contents to suit high potentials, first time managers, multipliers, middle managers or senior executives.
Development doesn’t happen at the press of a button, or on command. Each individual brings their own experience, personality, strengths, needs and goals – whether personal or organisational – to the learning context, and an awareness of these factors builds the background to all our programmes. At the centre lies our Connected Leadership approach, which evolved together with our clients‘ increasingly complex needs. We aim to support each participant to fully understand the self, building awareness of those people and circumstances around them and understanding how they connect to the organisation’s aspirations.
Where required, we also offer a full service assessment and selection process for our leadership development programmes. From the initial concept design through to logistics, preparation of observers and conducting feedback conversations, our two selection specialists will ensure your organisation invests in the right people.
Exemplary reference projects
- „European Early Talent Program“ is a development journey for large groups of European high potentials of a world leader in the pharmaceutical industry. Over 3 modules with 2 days each, participants get prepared to lead in line with the company’s values & leadership principles, widening their horizon and perspective to envision the organisation’s future possibilities and challenges. Throughout the program, they meet high level executives from all business areas and produce valuable return on investment by executing a large scale project, sponsored by the Board.
- We have run the „International Perspectives Program“ since 2008 for a global pharmaceutical company specialising in age defense. International managers which are identified to be key multipliers and designated to move beyond their current management role get equipped with the necessary leadership skills and mindset. Shadowing sessions across borders and discipline enable them to gain a more complete picture of the organisation as a whole.
- „We lead …“ is an international programme for the entire leadership population of a world leader in railroad systems. We have supported them to develop a common udnerstanding and skill set to lead the company into the future, since 2010.
- For one of the largest global organisations in the automotive industry, we conduct leadership development journeys for all 4 big markets: EMEA, North America, South America and APAC. The „glocal“ approach ensures the development of a common globally aligned leadership mind and skill set, taking into account the local specifics of the markets.
- The “One Company” Management Development Program which we have been delivering since 2008 for a global leaders in traffic solutions comprises 4 modules and is aimed at international middle managers to specifically promote and role-model change towards one global corporate culture and network. Alumni events yearly since 2011.
- For a top investment bank, we have designed and have been delivering since 2001 the „Global Development Program“, a multi-disciplinary leadership development program, designed to grow 16 selected international talents from high-performing independent contributors to high-impact multipliers. 3 training modules taking place in all corners of the world are enriched by guest speakers and a cross-disciplinary project sponsored by the Board. We also support the client in the selection of globally diverse candidates.
- The „Advanced Leadership Development Programme“ which we have run yearly since 2008 for a world insurance leader offers 1-2 levels below board executives the opportunity to connect and grow together, working on a global project and winning impulses from inspiring speakers.